Saturday, December 12, 2009


The wines of Poitou, La Rochelle and Angoumois, produced from high quality vineyards , were
shipped to Northern Europe where they were enjoyed by the English, Dutch and Scandinavians
as early as the 13th century. In the 16th century, they were transformed into eaude-vie , then
matured in oak casks to become Cognac.
That was the start of the adventure for a town, which was to become the capital of a world
famous trade. Cognac is a living thing. During its time in the oak casks it is in permanent contact
with the air. This allows it to extract the substances from the wood that give both its colour and
its final bouquet.
Ageing is indispensable if an eau-de-vie is to become Cognac. It takes place in casks or barrels
that hold between 270 and 450 litres. The natural humidity of the cellars, in which the casks are
stored is one of the determining factors in the maturing process.

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